Ffmpeg-user Missing Packages For Building Ffmpeg 2.1 With

Hi Ralphy and Triode Thanks for your pointers. It seems that one has to take care of not having different versions of ffmpeg present when building the piCore ffmpeg.tcz and squeezelite. Just to keep this info for future use I will describe the process I followed in order to build a working ffmpeg and squeezelite. Start with a fresh raspbian system - then remove old traces of previous ffmpeg and next install the newest ffmpeg like described here: Then build the ffmpeg.tcz and squeezelite - using a modified version of Ralphys build script. Now Squeezelite can play all the supported formats including wma (using ffmpeg version 2.5).

Hi Ralphy I have a problem with playing wma via squeezelite that I can't figure out. Now I'm able to build a ffmpeg.tcz from the newest version from Github and a Squeezelite build with ffmpeg support from Triodes google.code page.


When I build these I can play all kind of streams (wma ALAC etc). However, there is a compatibility problem somewhere. These are the combinations: If I use your ffmpeg.tcz it is working nicely both with my own squeezelite and the squeezelite version you deliver. If I use my own build ffmpeg only my version of squeezelite is able to play wma, whereas your squeezelite version cannot play wma. My Squeezelite can use both my own ffmpeg package and your ffmpeg package.

So my conclusion is that probably there is a problem with your squeezelite as it is unable to play wma via my ffmpeg.or. My ffmpeg package has a problem only allowing my squeezelite to play wma. Do you have an idea how to troubleshoot this issue? Hi Ralphy I have a problem with playing wma via squeezelite that I can't figure out. Now I'm able to build a ffmpeg.tcz from the newest version from Github and a Squeezelite build with ffmpeg support from Triodes google.code page. When I build these I can play all kind of streams (wma ALAC etc).

However, there is a compatibility problem somewhere. These are the combinations: If I use your ffmpeg.tcz it is working nicely both with my own squeezelite and the squeezelite version you deliver.

Ffmpeg-user Missing Packages For Building Ffmpeg 2.1 With Windows 7


Ffmpeg-user Missing Packages For Building Ffmpeg 2.1 With Windows

If I use my own build ffmpeg only my version of squeezelite is able to play wma, whereas your squeezelite version cannot play wma. My Squeezelite can use both my own ffmpeg package and your ffmpeg package. So my conclusion is that probably there is a problem with your squeezelite as it is unable to play wma via my ffmpeg.or. My ffmpeg package has a problem only allowing my squeezelite to play wma.

Ffmpeg-user Missing Packages For Building Ffmpeg 2.1 Without

Do you have an idea how to troubleshoot this issue? SteenWhat version is your new ffmpeg. . tcz? I'd suggest running my binary from the command line with -d all=debug and look for. Code: [14:32] load_ff:621 loaded libavcodec.so.56 (56.1.100) [14:82] load_ff:638 loaded libavformat.so.56 (56.4.101) [14:81] load_ff:652 loaded libavutil.so.54 (54.7.100) [14:52] alsa_open:406 opened device default using format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1 [14:54] register_ff:731 using ffmpeg to decode alc [14:60] register_ff:715 using ffmpeg to decode wma,wmap,wmalIf I had to guess, I'd say either your libs are too new for my build or there's a missing library dependency which is causing my build not to load.

I know my ffmpeg need libcofi_rpi.so from my faad.tcz. I could be that, as I never moved it into a separate tcz.

I got a yocto built for imx board. I can build ffmpeg package, but need also to populate headers and libraries in my SDK. Building using bitbake core-image-minimal -c populate_sdk does not add ffmpeg headers to SDK image. Didn't have any problems with prervious libraires like modbus, etc. Extra-ldflags not working. Dear List, I am still troubleshooting linking to a local build of openjpeg. This is a static build of openjpeg, and the library libopenjp2.a is placed in the. Building FFmpeg with OpenJPEG 2.0. Dear FFmpeg'ers, I would like to build FFmpeg with OpenJPEG 2.0. I've heard it is possible. But, when I run configure with --enable-libopenjpeg, I get an. FFmpeg is a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. 2.1.2 was released on 2014-01-13. It is the latest stable FFmpeg release from the 2.1 release branch, which was cut from master on 2013-10-28.